The Art of Character Design: Embracing Zen Buddhism Influence in Oriental Style with Light, White, and Orange Emphasis


The picture depicts a character design of Chinese Xiake, Dragon Man, in the style of Emiliano Ponzi, Oriental, Mike Deodato, and Brian Mashburn. The image features a shoden tenno demon’s influence, with a predominantly light white and orange color scheme. The design emphasizes emotion over realism, drawing inspiration from Zen Buddhism. The character exudes a sense of power and spirituality, with intricate details and a strong sense of presence. This unique fusion of artistic styles and cultural influences creates a captivating and dynamic representation of the character.

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📌 The image was generated by AI MidJourney 📌 The image was generated by AI MidJourney

Promt: Character design,(Chinese Xiake, Dragon Man),the shoden tenno demon's image, in the style of emiliano ponzi, oriental, mike deodato, brian mashburn, light white and orange, emphasizes emotion over realism, zen buddhism influence

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