The Enchanting Beauty of the Chinese Fox Demon: A Luxurious Full Body Portrait in Oil on Canvas

This stunning oil on canvas painting features a full-body portrait of a beautiful Chinese female fox demon. She is dressed in an ornate gown and adorned with intricate jewelry. Her slim figure and hyper-feminine features are accentuated by the dramatic lighting in the painting. The artist has captured her pronounced feminine features with delicate brush strokes, creating a captivating and mesmerizing portrait. This high resolution 8k portrait is a masterpiece that combines the talents of artists Ruan Jia, Olivia de Berardinis, and Vargas.

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Promt: full body portrait of a beautiful chinese female fox demon, ornate gown, ornate jewelry ,slim, hyper-feminine, pronounced feminine features, oil on canvas painting by ruan jia + olivia de berardinis + vargas , brush strokes , , dramatic lighting, 8k, portrait,

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