Digital Glitch: The Cybernetic Cosmic Being with Crenulated Bismuth Neon Patina Maze Skin


The illustration depicts a cosmic being with skin as dark as space and reflective, with a faceplate instead of a traditional face. It is depicted as very tall and has six cybernetic arms. The illustration is done in a digital glitch art cyberspace abstract style and features transhumanist cybernetics. The being’s skin has a crenulated bismuth neon patina maze, giving it a unique and alien appearance. The background shows a cyberpunk megacity with a neo-aztec endless maze of servers and wires receding into the vanishing point. The overall aesthetic is one of disintegration, disassociation, and chromatic aberration colorful diffraction. The illustration also includes lens flares, bokeh blur, and stipple matrix glitch effects, adding to the futuristic and surreal feel of the image.

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📌 The image was generated by AI MidJourney 📌 The image was generated by AI MidJourney

Promt: a cosmic being that has skin as dark as space and reflective, no face but a faceplate, is very tall, and has six cybernetic arms digital glitch art cyberspace abstract style illustration transhumanist cybernetics, [[[crenulated bismuth neon patina maze skin]]], lithe, human anatomy diagram, bokeh blur, cyberpunk megacity background of an neo-aztec endless maze of servers and wires receding into the vanishing point, disintegration, disassociation, chromatic aberration colorful diffraction, lens flare, stipple matrix glitch cyberspace

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