Raw and Realistic: Jean Rollin’s Blurry B&W Polaroids of Trash-Filled Floor Meals

The picture depicts a floor meal, with trash scattered around the area. The image has a realistic and raw feel, and is in black and white, with a blurry and polaroid-like effect. It captures the everyday mess and chaos of a meal on the floor, creating a sense of nostalgia and vintage aesthetic. The photo resembles the style of French filmmaker Jean Rollin, with its gritty and unfiltered portrayal of life.

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Floor meal , trash, realistic, blurry b&w polaroid | Jean Rollin | --ar 3:4 --style raw --v 6.0
Floor meal , trash, realistic, blurry b&w polaroid | Jean Rollin | --ar 3:4 --style raw --v 6.0
Floor meal , trash, realistic, blurry b&w polaroid | Jean Rollin | --ar 3:4 --style raw --v 6.0
Floor meal , trash, realistic, blurry b&w polaroid | Jean Rollin | --ar 3:4 --style raw --v 6.0

Floor meal , trash, realistic, blurry b&w polaroid | Jean Rollin | –ar 3:4 –style raw –v 6.0

Dimension: 928×1232

Seed: 0

Steps: 0

Model: Midjourney


Floor meal
blurry b&w polaroid | Jean Rollin | –ar 3:4 –style raw –v 6.0

Promt: Floor meal , trash, realistic, blurry b&w polaroid | Jean Rollin | –ar 3:4 –style raw –v 6.0

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