This picture features a bear holding a one year old Chinese baby girl on the branch of a tree. The scene is captured in full body shot by photographers Anne Geodes and Elena Shumilova using a Sony Alpha 1 camera with 8K resolution. The image creates an atmospheric distance sensation with a panoramic view and a first person perspective drawing. The composition is influenced by rococo style and the wide angle lens used provides a 50mm focal length and depth of field. The bear and the baby are looking directly at the camera, creating a captivating and whimsical moment in this unique photograph.
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📌 The image was generated by AI MidJourney
Promt: Inspired by the anime work Bear, bear holding a one year old Chinese baby girl, the scene is on the branch of a tree, looking at the camera together, full body shot by Anne geodes and Elena shumilova, camera model Sony alpa 1, 8K, atmospheric distance sensation, panorama, first person view, perspective drawing, rococo style, wide angle lens, 50mm focal length, depth of field,
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