Solar-Driven Prefab Habitat: Inspired by Safdie’s Habitat 67, Embracing Nature with Rooftop Gardens and Human Scale

The architectural structure in the picture is a unique design made up of 12 modular units measuring 16 feet by 40 feet each. These modules are arranged in such a way that they can track the movement of the sun throughout the day. The overall appearance is reminiscent of Habitat 67, a famous building designed by architect Safdi in Montreal. The structures cannot exceed three floors in height, with some rooftop gardens adorning certain units. In order to give a sense of scale, human figures and a road through a forest are included in the architectural drawing. This innovative design combines modern aesthetics with practical functionality.

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📌 The image was generated by AI MidJourney 📌 The image was generated by AI MidJourney

Promt: Its an architectural structure made out of 12 modules prefab of 16 feet by 40 feets – they are combine in a way that they can follow the course of the sun – the structures are similar to habitat 67 from architecte safdi from montreal – the 12 structures cannot be on more then 3 floors some roof top make beautiful gardens for some modules houses – please put some scale humains maybe a road int he forest and it should look like an archectiturale drawing

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